
All pleasure comes at a cost. For a legitimate pleasure you pay the price before, while for an illegitimate pleasure you pay the price after.

Ravi Zacharias

It seldom happens that what would be good for you, or that doing the right thing would be something you enjoy. Whether it is eating right, or exercising, or reading a book that would enhance your knowledge in your field, or waiting to have sex in the confines of marriage, or dropping social media at a particular time to work etc. I am sure many of you have one thing that is unique to you that you know you should be doing but find it hard to do.

For many of us, our motivation to be responsible is not innate. Give us all that we need, and the opportunity not to need to earn money, you would see that we would have all sorts of fun things to fill our days. Things that may not necessarily be fruitful or productive. Our body just naturally gravitates towards what would make us feel good or would be pleasing to do. The exception are people who have had tons of practice in disciplining themselves.

We now live in a world where people want to live by their own rules. How they feel should be validated, and they should be allowed to live as they please. From the aforementioned statements, you would quickly realize why that would be a problem. That is if you haven’t made yourself devoid of conscience. A lot of critics of the Christian faith, or agnostics or “Christians” who so profoundly have all sorts of defense for why they should be given any sort of correction whatsoever, find themselves in those positions because they think the Christian walk comes with a lot of restrictions. However, a wise once said “If you take away the boundaries from your life, you will be bound.”

In fact, anybody who has truly done this thing called life while surrendering to God will be able to tell from experience that even if it’s not be immediately eventually you find that God’s way protects either from emotional harm or from physical harm.

“True freedom comes when you have discovered the boundaries in God and you are OK with it.”

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